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Principal Investigator

Lina A Shehadeh, Ph.D., FAHA
Professor of Medicine
Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute
Division of Cardiology
Department of Medicine
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Phone: 305-243-0867
Address: Biomedical Research Building
1501 NW 10th Ave, 848 Suite F-G(Lab)
824 (Office) Miami, Fl 33136
PhD Students
Fatemeh Vatankhah, Pharm.D.
Expertise: Pharmacy, mouse echocardiography image acquisition and analysis, mouse telemetry, mouse drug in water treatments.
First year PhD student.
Main project: Metabolic Switch in HFpEF.
Postdoctoral Associates

Carolina Dias, Ph.D.
Expertise: Stem cells, animal handling, flow cytometry, immunephenotyping.
First year postdoctoral associate.
Main project: Netosis in Long COVID.
2024 Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Science, AHA.

Jose Manuel Condor Capcha, Ph.D.
Expertise: Stem cell culture, experimental sepsis (in rats), flow cytometry, immunofluorescence, image analysis, western blots, cholesterol uptake experiments, pseudovirus and chimeric virus generation.
Research Assistant Professor.
Main projects: COVID-induced myocarditis, Long COVID, large animal model of HFpEF.
Publucations and Posters: Too many to list!

Monique Monelle Williams, M.D.
Expertise: Mouse echocardiophraphy analysis, mouse ECG telemetry, mouse intraperitoneal injections, exercise intolerance, and dissections.
Third year postdoctoral associate.
Main project: Arrhythmia and Valvular Disease in Cardiometabolic HFpEF. Sudden Death.
1. NIH DIversity Dupplement Award
Research Associate

Emely Robleto, M.S.
Expertise: Western blot, immunostaining, lab management, AI in medical education.
Presentations: AHA BCVS Poster. July 2024, Chicago.
Clinical Fellow

Qusai Alitter, MD
Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellow, PGY-4
Lab Expertise: Mouse echocardiographic image analysis.
Publications from Shehadeh lab:
1. Ascending Aortic Aneurysm in Alport Syndrome: A Case Report. Ali Kamiar, Qusai Alitter, et al. BMC Nephrology. 2023.
2. Qusai Alitter, B. André Weinstock, et al. Alport Syndrome. Nephrocardiology. Book Chapter. In Press. 2023.
3. One AHA abstract.
Medical Students

Sarah Sukkar, M.D. (class of 2020)
Expertise: Mouse Echocardiography Analysis, Immunohistochemistry, Image analysis.
Publications from Shehadeh lab:
1. Yousefi K, Irion CI, Takeuchi LM, Ding W, Lambert G, Eisenberg T, Sukkar S, et al. Osteopontin Promotes Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction through a Mitochondrial Pathway. Journal of American College of Cardiology. 2019;73:2705–18. PMID: 31146816.
2. Two conference posters.

Trevor Eisenberg, M.D. (class of 2020)
Expertise: Mouse Echocardiography Analysis, Immunohistochemistry, Image analysis.
Publications from Shehadeh lab:
1. Yousefi K, Irion CI, Takeuchi LM, Ding W, Lambert G, Eisenberg T, et al. Osteopontin Promotes Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction through a Mitochondrial Pathway. Journal of American College of Cardiology. 2019;73:2705–18. PMID: 31146816.
2. Col4a3-/- mice on Balb/C background have less severe cardiorespiratory phenotype and SGLT2 over-expression compared to 129x1/SvJ and C57Bl/6 background. Camila I Irion, Monique Williams, Jose Condor Capcha, Trevor Eisenberg, et al. PMID: 35743114. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. June 15 2022.
3. Two conference posters.

Amy Kloosterboer, M.D. (class of 2020)
Expertise: Immunohistochemistry, Electron Microscopy.
Publications from Shehadeh lab:
1. Ding W, Yousefi, K, Goncalves S, Goldstein B, Sabater A, Kloosterboer A et al. Osteopontin Deficiency Ameliorates Alport Pathology by Preventing Tubular Metabolic Deficits. JCI Insight. 2018 3(6):e94818. PMID: 29563333. Featured in Nature Reviews Nephrology. April 2018. PMID: 29643464.
2. One conference poster.

Kiera Parrish, M.D. Candidate (class of 2021)
Expertise: Immuno-histochemistry, Image analysis.
Publications from Shehadeh lab:
1. Irion CI, Parrish K et al. Osteopontin Expression in Cardiomyocytes is Increased in Pediatric Patients with Sepsis or Pneumonia. . Frontiers in Physiology. December 2018 | Volume 9 | Article 1779. PMID: 30618794.

Yanelys Fernandez, M.D. Candidate (class of 2021)
Expertise: Immuno-histochemistry, Image analysis.
Publications from Shehadeh lab:
1. Two American Heart Association (AHA) posters.
2. pending publication

Mausam Patel, M.D. Candidate (class of 2022)
Expertise: Immuno-histochemistry, Image analysis.
Publications from Shehadeh lab:
1. Patel M et al. Osteopontin and LDLR are Upregulated in Hearts of Sudden Cardiac Death Victims with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction and Diabetes Mellitus. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2020 Nov 30;7:610282. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2020.610282. eCollection 2020. PMID: 33330671.PMCID: PMC7734052
2. Two conference posters.

Suhas Seshadri, M.D. Candidate (class of 2023)
Expertise: Mouse Echocardiography Analysis.
Publications from Shehadeh lab:
1. Abstract from collaboration with FIU.
2. Pending publication(s).

Roshni Lalwani (class of 2024)
Expertise: Cell Culture, Binding assay, Stem Cells.
1) $2.5K Medical Student Award Sponsored by Satulah Therapeutics.
2) Second place in Capstone Project among all MD and MD/PhD students! $500.
Publications from Shehadeh lab:
1. Contextualizing the Role of Osteopontin in the Inflammatory Responses of Alzheimer’s Disease. Roshni Lalwani, Claude-Heny Volmar, Claes Wahlestedt, Keith A Webster, Lina A. Shehadeh. Biomedicines. PMID: 38137453. 2023

Grace Seo, M.D. Candidate (class of 2024)
Expertise: Mouse Echocardiography Acquisition and Analysis.
1. $2K AHA Medical Student Award
Publications from Shehadeh lab:
1. A Mouse Model of Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction Driven by Hyperlipidemia and Enhanced Cardiac LDLR Expression. Monique Williams, Jose Manuel Condor Capcha, Camila Iansen Irion, Grace Seo, Guerline Lambert, Ali Kamiar, Rosemeire Kanashiro-Takeuchi, Lauro Takeuchi, Ali G Saad, Armando Mendez, Keith A Webster, Jeffrey J Goldberger, Joshua M Hare, Shehadeh LA. JAHA. PMID: 36056728 September 3 2022.

Emily Todd, M.D. Candidate (class of 2025)
Expertise: Mouse Echocardiography Analysis.
1. $2K AHA Medical Student Award
2. $2K UM SOAR Medical Student Award
Publications from Shehadeh lab:
1. Echocardiography Protocol: A tool for Infrequently Used Parameters in Mice. Frontiers in Medicine. Emily Ann Todd*, Monique Williams*, Ali Kamiar, Monica Rasmussen, Shehadeh LA. *These two authors contributed equally. PMID: 36620641 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine: Cardiovascular Imaging. Dec 2022.
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